

I haven't seen any of the films nominated for Best Picture at this Year's Oscars, but one of the best movies I've seen this year was one I saw on the plane on my way to Singapore (Singapore Airlines is the only way to fly if you're going to Asia, in my opinion). It's called Once, and it is a "modern day musical set on the streets of Dublin." The story is simple, yet the characters are so well drawn out. The music and performances by the two main characters were honest and vulnerable.

It's a must see.
Posted by double R at 8:15 PM | 0 comments read on



The beginning of every new year always seems to bring a sense of clarity. I had some time off after a crazy, busy year. During the holidays, I took stock, and what I gained was a renewed sense of purpose. I finally have a feeling that I am starting to figure things out, and where I need to go. I like that feeling.

I didn't make any resolutions this year, but instead I've made a list of goals and themes for 2008. The subtle difference is that there isn't as much pressure if I break a resolution. One of my themes, the commitment to "self-care", fits in nicely.

I'm proud to report that 2008 has started quite nicely. A new home, a list to guide me, and a view beyond the horizon.

Happy New Year, everyone...
Posted by double R at 6:09 PM | 0 comments read on

Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada